#KnowYourRoute on Overdose Awareness Day 2024
Register now for #KnowYourRoute and help raise awareness of alcohol and drug recovery services in Kilmarnock.

To mark International Overdose Awareness Day, East Ayrshire Lived Experience Panel has organised a walking tour of Kilmarnock recovery services to raise awareness of the support available.
The walk, scheduled to set off at 11:45am on Saturday 31 August, will leave from Ayrshire College, Hill Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 3HY, and will stop at various locations where people can find support and access Naloxone and Nyxoid.
The walk will end in Kilmarnock’s Kay Park, with guest speakers and a Rose Ceremony of remembrance to honour lives lost.
There will then be refreshments, kids’ activities, Naloxone/Nyxoid training and a chance to find out more about the various support networks available in East Ayrshire.
Attendees can choose to complete the walk in full or in part or just join the event in the Kay Park, which will begin at 12:45pm.
Let’s join together and make sure you #KnowYourRoute for recovery in Kilmarnock.

Full details and registration can be found on Eventbrite.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact lyndsey@eacharecovery.org.