Workplace Wellbeing: What Does it Mean To You?


When we feel well, we’re far more likely to give life our all.

Feeling strong, mentally and physically, can make us feel more resilient and better equipped to take on whatever comes our way – particularly when it comes to work.

Since the arrival of Covid-19, most of us have seen a major shake-up in the way we’ve been used to working, although doing things from home has definitely had its perks (the sheer bliss of getting to wear your slippers all day!)

After so much change, many of us may be feeling anxious about heading back to the office more regularly, which makes the topic of workplace wellbeing even more…topical.

So…what do we mean when we talk about ‘workplace wellbeing’?

We asked some of our lovely staff at East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership what workplace wellbeing means to them.

“It’s about taking care of yourself and each other”, says Health and Safety Support Officer, Jane McKie. “We work to live, not live to work, and if we have good workplace wellbeing we can help people achieve a good work-life balance and a good state of wellbeing, making us all feel happier and healthier.”

Whether it’s getting up from your desk to stretch and walk around more, taking regular screen breaks, chatting with colleagues or simply being more mindful of how you’re feeling, making your workplace wellbeing a priority can tackle feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness and help you get so much more from your day:

“Keep regular hours when you can and have a good routine; take regular micro-breaks; get outside for some fresh air at least once a day and keep connected with people. Rather than only seeing people on Teams meetings, arrange to meet for a coffee; get out the house or pick up the phone and have a chat with people.”

As Admin Assistant Natalie explains, taking care of your workplace wellbeing can be as simple as stopping for a few minutes to enjoy the radio!

“We love listening to the ‘PopMaster’ music quiz on BBC Radio 2 at 10.30am. It doesn’t always happen, but when some of us are in the office we will try and stop for ‘PopMaster’. It gives us a screen break and keeps the old brain cells working. We have a good wee mix of random pop knowledge over the years in our team.”

Keeping on top of your workplace wellbeing can also reduce your risk of feeling burnt out and overwhelmed further down the line. As Sharon Belshaw of Break the Silence explains, the importance of safeguarding your mental health and maintaining boundaries cannot be overstated:

“Workplace wellbeing is paramount to your own wellbeing. In addition, if you are struggling yourself, you can’t be fully present and engaged with your clients. Workplace wellbeing also impacts your personal life and affects how you think, behave and feel. Take plenty of breaks, know your limitations and keep healthy boundaries. It’s ok to say no and speak to others – don’t be alone in your difficult times.”

In addition to helping us feel good at work, Jane says prioritising workplace wellbeing is also crucial for helping us perform at our best:

“Workplace wellbeing for us all has always been so important but never more so since the start of the pandemic. Although we are there to support those in our communities, if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we can’t take care of others.”

To find out more about how you can take better care of your workplace wellbeing, have a look at the Wellbeing Supports document or visit our wellbeing pages.