Telecare scam continues to target service users
We’ve received further information from the Scottish Government’s Digital Office about a scam targeting telecare service users who are moving to digital telecare.
Some telecare services users have had scam phone calls telling them that their current alarm is obsolete and asking them to pay for a new system.
If you have a community alarm in your property, the alarm unit will need to be replaced by December 2025. The replacement will take place as part of a planned roll out and you will be contacted by letter or phone call nearer the time.
You will NEVER be asked for payment over the phone for a replacement community alarm.

Nuisance calls?
If you’re getting nuisance calls, there are some easy steps you can take to prevent them.
Remember – if you’re using any call blocking options, it is important to include your telecare service numbers in your ‘trusted’ or ‘safe’ numbers.
- Anyone can sign up online free to the Telephone Preference Service or by calling 0345 070 0707
- Many home phone providers also offer services (some of which are free) to block unwanted calls e.g. BT Call Protect , Talk Talk’s Call Safe
- You can block unwanted calls using built-in call blocking features on home or mobile phones
- You can also use standalone devices to block/monitor calls
- For more information on potential solutions, check out Which’s article on How to block nuisance calls
- Check out suspected scams on Trading Standards Scotland’s ScamShare page

Find out more about scams and how to avoid them on East Ayrshire Council’s Trading Standards webpage |