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AYRshare celebrates ten year anniversary


This month marks ten years since the launch of AYRshare, our data sharing system for multi-agency information on children and young people.

Developed by Ayrshire and Arran Data Sharing Partnership, AYRshare was the first of its kind in Scotland, facilitating the secure sharing of data on children and young people and supporting the principles of our GIRFEC approach to their health and wellbeing (Getting It Right For Every Child).

AYRshare assists with early intervention and helps practitioners to better coordinate their response to concerns. Through identifying key contacts and providing notifications it also helps to improve communication and joint working, resulting in a more seamless service delivery.

In October 2015, NHS Ayrshire and Arran and the Chief Executives of East, North and South Ayrshire councils endorsed AYRshare as the system to be used by all practitioners in children’s services.

Over the past ten years AYRshare has been rolled out to all practitioners working with children and young people. In 2022 this was extended to include our third sector and private partners who are part of the Team Around the Child. Since then it has gone from strength to strength, and we now have agreement from practitioners in adult services that they will use AYRshare to support the Team Around the Family.

AYRshare has approximately 2,000 system users. Over 21,000 children’s folders have been created since the system launched, and members of the Team Around the Child have shared over 275,000 significant events through its integrated chronology feature.

The integrated chronology is a key protection tool where all partners share significant events to allow an emerging pattern of risk to be easily identified. The Care Inspectorate have featured AYRshare as an example of good practice in their Practice Guide to Chronologies.

AYRshare is a key component to supporting our GIRFEC processes, reducing duplication, supporting partnership working and resulting in earlier intervention. It improves the wellbeing of children and young people by facilitating access to services for children and families, and ultimately results in better safeguarding and protection.

We encourage everyone involved in children’s services to continue to use AYRshare to protect and support the children and young people of Ayrshire.