An external hand rail over outside steps

Self-referral now available for hand rail adaptations


A new self-referral feature has been launched on the Our East Ayrshire website which will allow residents to apply for hand rails, grab rails and banisters without the need for a visit from an occupational therapist.

This is an entirely new way to access the minor adaptations service from EAHSCP.

The tool will allow residents and their friends or relatives to enter details via a self-referral form and upload photos of locations where they would like rails or banisters to be installed.

Residents can self-refer for internal or external grab rails, additional banisters over internal stairs or external handrails over steps.

Referrals are automatically approved under certain circumstances to reduce waiting times and eliminate the need for a visit from an Occupational Therapy Support Assistant.

If more information or a visit is needed, a member of staff will contact the resident to advise.

The self-referral tool can be accessed via the Our East Ayrshire Portal