Break the Silence logo - woman attending consultation

Support for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse


East and North Ayrshire HSCPs have recently commissioned Break the Silence to deliver therapeutic counselling support to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Break the Silence has been contracted by both partnerships for the last five years, and this new contract will see a continuation of our partnership and the availability of this service to local people.

Under the terms of the new contract:

  • A referral can be made for any East or North Ayrshire resident aged 18 years and over who has experienced childhood sexual abuse.
  • Individuals will be offered up to 24 sessions of support, which is needs led following a comprehensive clinical assessment.
  • Referrals can be made by HSCP services and colleagues in primary care directly by emailing Break the Silence, calling 01563 559558, or via Break the Silence website. Individuals can also self-refer.

The new contract commences on Monday 1 April. Any individual who has been referred up until now and has not yet commenced therapy will be supported as above.

Break the Silence would be keen to raise awareness of the service to professional groups. If this would be of interest, please contact Break the Silence to discuss further.