Woman chatting with coffee

East Ayrshire kinship carer event: New Year, New Beginnings


Thursday 1 February, 10am – 2pm
WG13, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DH

Join our informal event, hosted by the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership kinship team, for all kinship carers living in East Ayrshire.

Our intention is that as we enter a new year with ‘resolutions’ to refresh, we really want to meet with kinship carers about your experience, hear your needs and go forward building together in our community supports that are designed around you.
– the kinship team

Kinship care is a care arrangement provided by a child’s extended family or by a close friend who has a pre-existing relationship with the child. Kinship care can be a formal or informal arrangement and it can be time limited or long term.

Book your place online

or call the kinship team on: 01563 554200 (option 2)

Unable to attend? The kinship team would still really like to hear your views. Please take 10 minutes to complete their survey before Wednesday 31 January.