Grow your own

Ever thought of growing your own fruit and veg?

It’s not just for farmers – growing your own fruit and vegetables could be one of the best decisions you make when it comes to eating more healthily.

Growing your own fruit and veg means you can guarantee it will be organic, fresh and packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. The taste of fresh, organic food can also be far superior to anything you’ve taken home from the supermarket.

Getting your hands dirty can also save you money and help protect the planet from pesticides and other harmful chemicals used in the growing of some store-bought produce.

It may seem like a bit of a hassle at first, but we promise that once you get into it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner. It will also give you an amazing wellbeing boost, for your mind and your fitness.

So… take a look through the links below, look out your shovel and get digging. If you don’t have the garden space, see where you could help out at a community garden near you!

Saving money and the planet while improving your diet and health?

You can’t beet that.