What are your views on services for older people?
The Scottish Government is seeking your views to develop a new health and social care strategy for older people to make sure our services are delivering for older people, so that we can grow older healthier and live independently.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on older people, who were amongst the worst affected by the virus in society. As the NHS in Scotland rebuilds and remobilises, there is a significant opportunity to ensure that older people are placed at the centre of that recovery and focus on a preventative, joined up approach to healthy ageing in older people.
It is clear that many older people’s health and social care services need to adapt now to ensure that health and social care services can adapt to the increasing ageing population and the complex health care needs that older people can have.
The Scottish Government is developing a new integrated health and social care strategy for older people, and are committed to developing the strategy with older people, and the people and organisations which support them.
A consultation is now open, which forms part of the engagement to develop the new health and social care strategy for older people.
Make sure your views are heard:
take part in the consultation
Why your views matter
The Scottish Government’s ambition is to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow old. As people in Scotland get older they experience a great quality of life though safe, integrated, person centred health and social care. They are able to live actively, and drive the decisions about their health and wellbeing; with their human rights respected and their dignity protected.
Ageing is inevitable but ageing in poor health should not be. It is important for everyone in Scotland that we make sure our health and social care services are delivering for older people so that we can grow older healthier and live independently. Hearing the views of a wide range of people will therefore be an important part of developing this new strategy.