Tag: health and wellbeing

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Two women walking along a beach path

CHAT walks encourage movement for mental health


As we near Mental Health Awareness Week (Monday 13 – Sunday 19 May) we’re highlighting the amazing mental benefits of […]

A volunteer providing advice to an elderly gentleman at the event

Podiatry event gives patients a spring in their step


We recently held our first ever Podiatry Community Appointment Day at East Ayrshire Community Hospital, which provided a range of […]

A woman in bed who is struggling to fall asleep

Struggling to sleep?


If you’re tossing and turning and can’t seem to switch off, these tips from our Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Angela Wood, could […]

Attendees at our Kilmarnock Local Conversation event

East Ayrshire leads Local Conversation on wellbeing


Local residents and families have been invited to take part in a series of events to give their views on […]

Older men enjoying an exercise class with CHAT

CHAT events promote wellbeing in East Ayrshire


Our Community Health Activity Team (CHAT) was recently involved in a number of events to promote the wellbeing of people […]